We open sourced a part of Stekker (Zaptec connection gem)

We are proud to introduce this open source project, the Zaptec charger Ruby gem. As passionate ruby developers, we believe in giving back to the community and contributing to the growth of this amazing language. That’s why we are making our Zaptec connection accessible to everyone through open source. Our goal is to make smart charging easier and more accessible, and we hope that by opening up our project, we can help others in the community achieve their own goals.

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Code can be found on Github:

Tibber has several parts of their app also open source. Connection to Samsung Smartthings, Athom Homey, etc.:

Thanks, I forgot to add the link. :smile:

Nice! Awesome that Tibber is also doing this.

We are planning to open source much more. But this is a process of untangling and making it reusable for others. But I’m sure we’ll get there. :+1:

Nice to follow on there as well:

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Thanks for pointing it out, @PieterDeBruijn. I looked if there’s any inspiration in those. The Tibber Homey plugin could provide useful at some point if we decide we wish to support Homey.

The one repo from Vattenfall is empty.
Essent has many, all forks of non-energy related stuff.
EnergyDirect has a github account, but without any repo’s.
Eneco has published some “original” stuff of their own, not much tightly energy related though.