Kia niro connecting issue with stekker

Hello, it is not possible for me to connect my car please assist. It is a kia niro 2019. Before I selected a polestar but that doesnt work anymore

I have a Kia e-niro 2020 and i can connect without problems.
In Settings you select Cars and then Add.
Select Kia and it will ask you to login to Kia Connect. After logging in it should add your Kia to Stekker.

Hi @ben and @Ramon_Ooms I’m curious if we can figure out what the difference is (if indeed Ramon’s connection still doesn’t work). I heard that a colleague has reserved time to investigate the issue next week.
Note that we try to do what we can, but Stekker for residential use is a service we provide free of charge but it does cost us money. So please be kind if it doesn’t always work 100%. :slight_smile:

Do you want to plan a meeting to check if it wotks @Stekker-ErikDeBruijn ? Kind regards

I would love to help, but I’m on vacation next week so there is not much i can do from there. But getting connected is not an issue for me (Kia e-niro 2020 and iPhone). I do have a separate issue that the connection is lost sometimes during loading, but that is a known issue. Jordy Schreuders (from Stekker) has sent a mail about that issue last wednesday.
I can resolve it for now by re-adding the car if that happens. I understand that it costs you money. I would not mind if there is a fair fee for using Stekker.

Hi @ben,

Thanks for your kind answer. It’s not a problem that you’re on a holiday, I notified the colleage who will be working on this about the thread. He’ll contact you (and/or @Ramon_Ooms) if testing by you or Ramon is helpful to resolving the issue.

Also: thanks for letting us know that you wouldn’t mind paying a fair fee. This is encouraging, we want to provide enough value to individuals to also “warrant” having a premium offering with more elaborate support (e.g. phone support) and enabling more functionality than the free tier.